Conrad JOHNSON Phono Preamps

I’m currently in the process of starting a Vinyl system, Project Classic with Hana SL.

I’ve been looking at primarily a Musical Surroundings Phenomena, but 

I have a CJ ET3 line-stage that I am very happy with. I do not hear anything on CJ phono stages.

are there any CJ phono stages that are recommended? Reasonable prices new or used ?

I have a lot of cartridges.  The best of my better MC cartridges has been an Ortofon Per Winfeld, but I have more recently been happier with the sound of a SoundSmith Experion, which is a MI, based on the older Bang & Olufson design, which in turn is based on an old Grado design.  Anyway the Experion is sublime.  I have two turntables in this system, a VPI HW40, and a Technics SL1200GAE sitting side by side.  I usually have the SL1200 set up for Mono and the HW40 for Stereo.  I listen to a lot of old jazz and so need both, back and forth all the time.  Speakers are Sony SS-AR2.

There is a host of other stuff, cables, rcm, digital stuff, SUT and on and on.  My grandmother got me started in this hobby, I am 72 years old now and have records in my collection acquired when I was 11 or 12 years old.  A lot of stuff.
Before I bought the GAT2, I had an ET5 and it was indeed hard on tube, singular it only had one.  The GAT2 seems to have solved that problem.  I believe the high gain, combined with using one tube for both channels was asking too much of one tube in the ET55.  Anyway, it sounded marvelous until it got noisy, about every 6 months for me, but I play my system 2-4 or more hours every day.  The ET3 doesn't make the same demand on the tubes.  It is really a great design.

I’ve heard of the Orth Winfield 
 top of the pile !

I’m excited to get started 

The old albums with great microphones and analog Sonics is going to be “The Best”

but, I’m sure the learning curve will be ugly.

I’ve got two audio buddies with superb analog Setups , to guide me, though. ( I know how great analog can be !)



I ordered the turntable and cartridge todayI’m sure there are 8 million tweeks for analog to put money down, on , too

I sold my 700 albums back in 90’s thinking CD is the cats meow.    I feel real good about that, now 


ps: what coast of fl ?        My mom lived in ft Myers for 30+ yrs 
East Coast.  West Palm Beach.  Have fun.  Let me know if I can help you at any time.