Wow, I want to thank everyone. It must be my public education or my inability to swim??? or my weak brain that made me think that qualifications don’t matter only experience. I never knew that the worlds best speakers don’t need to go over 15K because nothing happens in that quarter of the frequency range anyway or it doesn’t matter if my interior designer is color blind as long as they’re old. Also thanks for the realization that hearing doesn’t really matter in HIFI because I’m perfectly able remember what it sounded like when I could hear it.
I attacked no one personally only a definition of a label. So yes, by all means don’t consider your deficiencies on your next purchase of anything. Hell I bet you could do your own brain surgery because you’ve been cutting your own meat for 50 years.
And maybe just maybe watch Soylent Green which is a movie about man’s inhumanity to man but be sure to turn it loud so you can hear it.