Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp

Hello everyone, I have question that I hope some of you either can answer or have an opinion on. Ever since I was 17, I have always wanted to own Audio Research equipment. I’m 56 now, and finally was able to fulfill my life long dream. My first acquisition was an ARC LS15 pre-amp bought here used in mint condition. I paired it with a Vincent 331MK hybrid amp also bought here used in mint condition. The resulting sound was impressive. After that, I started looking for an ARC amp I could afford. The resulting search found me an ARC VS115 amp also here in used, awesome condition. This is where my problems and my doubts started. Upon hooking up the amp to my system, a tube in the left channel arced and blew a resistor. I had to take the amp to an ARC dealer and he installed a new resistor and suggested I buy all new tubes from ARC for the amp. I did and when I got back home, I again hooked up the amp and immediately upon turning the amp on, I started to hear thumping sounds coming from my left speaker, then, two left channel output tubes started to glow a very bright orange, and then white smoke started to rise from one of the tube sockets. I immediately turned the amp off. I called the dealer and he suggested I mail the unit back to ARC. I did and I am now waiting to see what they say.

During this time, I started to search out other brands and came across one called PrimaLuna. I have watched their videos and seen them compared to ARC equipment. Their build quality seems to be superior to ARC and the reviews are over the top. I am looking at their Dialogue Premium HP amp and their Dialogue Premium pre-amp. For what they cost, considering how they are built and supposedly sound compared to units costing 3 to 4 times their price, they almost seem too good to be true. Anyway, my bubble has been burst, and in simple terms, I am considering jumping ship and going with another company instead of ARC, despite all those years of drooling and waiting.

My main question is this, is there anyone out there that either owns PrimaLuna or has had experience with the equipment and can give me their opinion on owning and using it. Then, my second question is how does PrimaLuna really compare to other high end equipment such as ARC. Kevin Deal in his videos on PrimaLuna makes a very compelling case for the equipment. In one video, he compares an ARC LS17SE to the PrimaLuna pre-amp.

My last question is in regards to my ARC VS115 amp problems. Anyone have an opinion on what is going on with my amp or a VS115 in general. For those of you who want to know what else is in my system, I am using KEF 104ab speakers, a Cambridge Azur 752BD Blu-ray player as my CD player, Morrow Audio Cables and I am considering getting the Sony HAP-Z1ES music player for my digital files.

I greatly appreciate all who take the time to comment and give their opinions. I will be glad to answer any questions you may ask or provide additional. Thanks for your help. Steve.

My Fire Bottle amp is made by an old man who's stuck in North Carolina (it's really hot there a lot of the time, and he's not getting any younger) forcing himself to make this stuff by hand and sell it cheap…sad, just sad…*sniff*...
((((Is anybody on this thread in the Los Angeles area?  I would like somebody independent to come here and we will do a level matched within .1dB A/B instant comparison between a bone stock $3399 PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium and a fresh but broken in $8500 VSI75 we just had traded in.   That person can report here.  Or maybe a few of you guys.  I'll even come in on my day off.  It would be fun! ))))
 Hey Kev
 Be Careful
It can go the other way!
 How bout you come to Jersey and run up against the Made in USA Quicksilver Mono blocks? We already did this one for you.
 So Sorry u no makey sale.....
 And Kevy why must you pretend you carry Aesthetix on your website as a brand when you are not a dealer? Bait and switch y man?
Audio Connection
Any "shoot-off" ought to be with the 5x more expensive ARC Ref 6 and the twice as expensive Ref 150SE. Why? Because PrimaLuna claims to be giant-killers so walk the walk! I have no doubt the PL stuff presents tremendous value but also no doubt it does not come close to the best. The top of the line PL pre-amp in particular is a weak link as measurements prove the subjective impression that it puts out a lot of 2nd harmonic distortion. The PL pre-amp is also not designed in a true balanced configuration-an almost universal quality of the best sounding pre-amps. PL seems to either fail to realize or simply ignores that pre-amps are the heart of any great system. Like the addage in golf, "drive for show, putt for dough", PL seems to "show" the amps and has the yips putting for dough when it comes to the critical pre-amp. IMHO PL puts marketing over true state of the art performance. No surprise, the top of the line PL monoblocks accept single ended inputs only. Again, I have no doubt the PL gear represents above-average value but there is no getting around the high level of coloration caused by the second harmonic distortion. 

Sounds like Audioconnection has a beef with Uncle Kevy? Wonder why?I doubt Kevin would be posting without some sort of proof?
fsonicsmith said .... "The top of the line PL pre-amp in particular is a "weak link" as measurements prove the subjective impression that it puts out "a lot of " 2nd harmonic distortion."

Informative read on THD...

I like to think of harmonic distortion as an annoying guy in the band that you can’t kick out, who is hell-bent on playing exactly the same thing you play but an octave higher. As annoying as that might be, you might prefer he stay on the octaves than play a perfect 5th on top of every note you play.
Simply stated, harmonic distortion is a harmonically related sound that is found at the output of a piece of audio equipment that was not part of the sound at the input, which means it must have been created by the equipment.
Suppose you had a piano that played pure tones, with each key producing a pure sine wave of a single frequency. (Obviously, real-world pianos produce a rich series of harmonics with each note, which is why they sound they way they do, but for the sake of simplicity let’s just suppose a pure-tone piano existed.)

If you were to strike the A key just below middle C, the pure-tone piano would produce a perfect 220 Hz sine wave. If you recorded that sound with a perfectly transparent microphone plugged into a perfectly linear mic preamp in a perfectly dead room, the captured waveform would contain just that single frequency, 220 Hz.
In the real world, with a less than perfect acoustic space, microphone, and mic preamp, a waveform analysis would reveal trace amounts of additional frequencies that were not produced by the pure-tone piano, and those frequencies would be multiples of the original frequency.
So with an A note of 220 Hz, the 2nd harmonic (H2) would be 2 x 220 Hz = 440 Hz, the 3rd harmonic (H3) would be 3 x 220 Hz = 660 Hz, etc.
The musical significance of these additional notes becomes clear when you look at them on a piano keyboard.

H2 is also an A note, but it’s one octave up, so no matter what happens it will always be musically compatible with the fundamental frequency. An octave can actually add some richness to music in the same way that a 12-string guitar has octave pairs of strings.
The other harmonics are as follows:
H3 is an E
H4 is an A
H5 is a C#
H6 is an E
H7 isn’t even on the piano! It’s somewhere between an F# and a G
H8 is another A
H9 is a B

If all these notes were played at the same time you played the A, your nice A note would sound terrible, so it should be obvious why harmonic distortion is a problem and why engineers work so hard to try to get rid of it.
Unfortunately, as much as we try and get rid of these superfluous tones, we can never eliminate them completely, so it’s worth considering whether they are all equally annoying or whether some of them are more annoying than others, and whether or not any of them are actually desirable.

Beginner’s Luck

Long before transistors were commonplace, audio equipment relied on vacuum tubes for amplification, and often the tubes used for voltage gain were triodes. Harmonic distortion was a well understood concept at the time, and engineers measured it and produced specs to ensure their designs were performing acceptably. But what was considered “acceptable?” A gold standard was needed; a target maximum level of distortion that could be seen as negligible enough to be acceptable.
The scientists of the day set out to determine what this gold standard should be, and they did not take this responsibility lightly. Many experiments were done using human test subjects, and after much effort it was agreed that the maximum tolerable level should be 1%, and that any further reduction in distortion was barely detectable by the human ear.

Enter the Transistor

When the transistor arrived, tantalizing companies with the promise of reduced cost, reduced size, wider profit margins, improved efficiency etc., designers were all too happy to abandon the fragile, expensive glass bottle in favor of a new tiny shiny nugget of silicon, and they set out to design amplifiers to meet that same 1% THD+N specification. It didn’t take long before functional transistor amplifiers were developed that met the 1% target, but there was a big problem: they sounded terrible!

The problem with the early transistor amplifiers was not the total harmonic distortion, it was the ratio of the individual harmonics that made up the total. Triode-based tube amplifiers tend to have very little energy in the higher harmonics, so a tube amp with 1% THD exhibits mostly 2nd harmonic with very little of the other harmonics. A 2nd harmonic tone 40 dB below the fundamental (equating to 1%) is quite difficult for the human ear to detect. Early transistor amplifiers, on the other hand, were dominated by odd harmonics, primarily the 3rd and 5th, to which the human ear is significantly more sensitive.

A comparison of 2nd-harmonic vs. 3rd-harmonic distortion waveforms reveals a hint as to why the ear is more sensitive to one over the other. The following waveforms show 15% THD in both 2nd and 3rd harmonics, an exaggerated level to help show the effect:

Both of these theoretical amplifiers would have the exact same THD+N specification, but they would not sound the same, at all!Even though both waveforms look severely distorted, the top waveform still resembles a sine wave, while the bottom wave more closely resembles a square wave. Square waves tend to sound “sharp” or “buzzy” or “harsh,” and listening to them for prolonged periods of time will bring on ear-fatigue more rapidly than a sine wave.

It’s important to remember that harmonic distortion does not discriminate; every note of every chord will produce its own series of harmonics, and if the amplifier is dominated by 3rd and 5th harmonics, that’s a lot of extra notes ringing out that weren’t there to begin with!
So what became of the transistor amplifier? Engineers realized that in order to achieve comparable sound quality with an amplifier producing mostly 3rd and 5th harmonic distortion, the maximum allowable level of distortion had to be reduced by 10 – 20 dB, to .3% or even .1% THD+N.

New ways of expressing THD+N were developed that weighted the individual harmonics separately in order to provide a more accurate and fair comparison, but they were not widely adopted, for one main reason: if transistor amplifiers required a much more rigorous standard for THD+N in order for their sound quality to approach that of tube amplifiers, the companies making them wanted to be able to brag about this reduced distortion as an “improvement.” After all, .1% distortion appears to be a big improvement over 1% distortion, and it was just too tempting for the marketing guys to use this juicy spec to help sell transistor amplifiers!