Contact Cleaner

Time to remove the oxidation and crud from my interconnects/speaker cables/terminals. Any favorite brands out there? Or can I same myself some bucks by buying generic without the added expense of pricey 'designer labels'?
OK, let's get serious: has anyone used shark liver oil? Be honest about your answer, for I have a rather decent amount of the real thing back at my parents' (almost half a liter).

The real thing is cold pressed with glass panes, dripping under direct sunlight--no flames. A friend of mine is a marine biologist and a commercial fisherman and several years ago nailed an 800 lb bull shark. I got some of that stuff for medicinal purposes--plus we had a big shark shish kebab barbecue!
I've used shark liver oil a lot. In fact it is it is one of the original contact enhancements and the treatment that I cannot give up in tests against Caig Gold.

For those who think Psychicanimal and I are having a laugh at your expense, the much touted "Tweak" conditioner and other similar clear coatings, including some for CD treatment are exactly that. Shark Liver Oil.
Geeze, not only do sharks NOT get cancer, they are well lubricated and don't corrode. I guess we CAN learn something new everyday : ) Sean