Thanks very much for the nice words, guys.
Bombaywalla, thanks for your comment, with which I essentially agree. However, note that the question was not what gain setting to use with a cartridge having a given output. The intent of the question was to determine the gain in db that corresponds to each of the gain settings provided by the phono stage, which are marked in millivolts, rather than in db.
The phono stage is an RCM Sensor Prelude, which is indeed specified to have a 2 volt nominal output. So, for example, the gain setting that is marked as 1.4 mv provides a gain of 20 x log (2000/1.4) = 63.1 db.
That interpretation can be confirmed by noting in the data sheet that the range of possible gain settings is specified as 52 to 76 db, corresponding to markings of 5 mv and 0.3 mv respectively. 20log(2000/5) = 52.04 db, and 20log(2000/0.3) = 76.48 db.
I agree that generally a 2 volt nominal phono stage output will be much too high, so the mv marking of the gain setting that is used should be significantly higher than the rated cartridge output.
Thanks again. Best regards,
-- Al
Bombaywalla, thanks for your comment, with which I essentially agree. However, note that the question was not what gain setting to use with a cartridge having a given output. The intent of the question was to determine the gain in db that corresponds to each of the gain settings provided by the phono stage, which are marked in millivolts, rather than in db.
The phono stage is an RCM Sensor Prelude, which is indeed specified to have a 2 volt nominal output. So, for example, the gain setting that is marked as 1.4 mv provides a gain of 20 x log (2000/1.4) = 63.1 db.
That interpretation can be confirmed by noting in the data sheet that the range of possible gain settings is specified as 52 to 76 db, corresponding to markings of 5 mv and 0.3 mv respectively. 20log(2000/5) = 52.04 db, and 20log(2000/0.3) = 76.48 db.
I agree that generally a 2 volt nominal phono stage output will be much too high, so the mv marking of the gain setting that is used should be significantly higher than the rated cartridge output.
Thanks again. Best regards,
-- Al