Cost Effective Audio Research Combo

Hi folks. I'm really looking for some guidance putting together an Audio Research amp/pre combo. I'm a former Naim user that wants to move to more power and different gear. (The good Naim stuff has just gotten way too expensive). I'm considering a Bryston 3BSST/BP20 combo or something used from Audio Research. However, while I can talk to you up and down about HiCaps, SNAICS, etc, I know little about the AR brand and some of the better products of the recent past. (Other than the fact that the SP9 was panned by Stereophile some years back). Here is what I am after:

About 100-150 Watts of Solid State power amp.
A nice tube or hybrid preamp that runs cool and has a GREAT phono stage.
I don't want any gear that's more that 5 years old.
I'd like to spend around 2000-2500 on the used market for the pair.
Comments about how what you are suggesting stacks up against the Bryston combo mentioned above

Thanks so much!
bat 3vki or 30vki for pre. comes add phono and remote.

pse studio v mono's. 120 wpc with balanced and a good match with above. it took a pair of classe cams 350 to displace them in my listening room.

hope that helps.

Hi Mike,

1. ARC quit making combo phono + line stages a quite few years ago until the SP16. This is a good sounding preamp is priced out of your budget.

2. Buy an ARC 100.2 amplifier. Outstanding sound. Much better than the bryston, krell, levinson in every parameter. An ARC sleeper.

3. The preamp will be a problem. First choice is an LS-12. Underrated pre-amplifier often sold for less than it is worth. Second choice is LS-9 or LS3.

4. Phono pre try PH3SE or pick up a used Krell reference used or a Clearaudio basic. (I know this puts you over budget)

5. Use wireworld gold or eclipse interconnect series or later.

6. Tonearm cables make a difference. Use VPI JMW Series 2 tonearm cable.

7. Now sit back and enjoy...

agree with etbaby On the arc ls-12 and the arc vt100 mk2.

great gear suggestions..the ls-12 it is "the most neutral" preamp i have owned to date ( the unit is solid state). it is literally passive with gain... i know it is hard to believe but it is true. i would suggest adding a (3db or 6db kit- i dont remember??)) upgrade that arc offers if you use unbalanced in.

the vt1000mkii is a ballsy, beautifull sounding stereo tube amp has has got balls, bass, and dynamics galore. please note the combo etbaby suggested will be very high resolution and low in coloration ( ie not romantic).

the vt100ii goes for $1800-$2000 & the ls-12 goes for $800-$1200.