Coupling cap upgrade possibilities for VTL?

I have MB-185 Signature mono's, and the factory offers the cap upgrade to (I believe) Infinicaps or Auricaps for the princely sum of approx. $800 the pair, not including shipping of course (I think there are six caps per monoblock). If I try to do this work through a local tech instead, anybody have suggestions for the best possible caps to choose (don't know the value right now without looking inside)? Prefer answers based on personal experience, especially comparitive experience in tube circuits, although not necessarily with VTL gear (but that would be nice!). Thanks, Zaikes
Z, what is currently used on your MB185? Power dropping, input and feedback resistors may even do a cheaper and more efficient upgrade...
Truly saying, $800/pr is theoretically toooo much for 0.22...0.33uF. The most expencive might probably cost arround $25 maximum. I placed Multicap RTX instead of stock WIMAs. Bea offers $800(with the job) for filter caps(yeah, these are expencive!) upgrade. In your amp it is simple to do it yourself since you've got more space than I in my MB100, but still some chasis cutting is involved...
Get yourself some Sudio Note Copper Foil caps. These are far superior to the one you mention. Perhaps more expensive but easily worth it.
Marakanetz, I don't believe VTL has a filter cap upgrade for amps of the 185's vintage. I have been told by some that the resistors could be improved...

Khaki8, I've not heard of this kind before, so thanks for the suggestion - but is "Sudio" the correct name, or did you mean to type "Studio"?...