Critical oppositions made using inadequate equipment.

Is it really possible to critically estimate tt or cartridge characteristics using for example cheap monitor speakers or other weak component in the system ?
I’m not sure what was the purpose of this thread? Just to say that a friend who adviced some cartridges to OP has completely different opinion about those cartridges than the OP? I read the same on audiogon everyday, people are disagree on many things. But I have no idea who they are and when I see the images of their systems I often shocked (in a bad way), the OP could ask his friend in person (or to check these carts at his system), but he asked an opinion of some strangers on audiogon to read two opposite points of view (again, as always).
:) No, the purpose of this thread is to be careful and skeptical to strong opinions and suggestions from “gurus” who made their conclusions based on using non relevant equipment. 
chakster, the bush around your system is pretty dense. The system is kind a lost in it… i like it a lot and I’m shocked (in a pretty good way) :))). What kind of plants is that? Do you watering them yourself? What kind of water do you use? Tap water? Rain water?…. Do you fertilize that bushes? 
...speaking on dope punks white....shrubbery...chaksters' 'bush'....

Yet another quantum sync...?  

Why is chaks' bush 'doing' around that 'plant' ?

...and just what sort of 'fertilizing' going on?

...curious minds just being curious...*L* ;)

Maybe  the OP  can tell us about plants.  I am still confused on what is non relevant equipment.   And his goals and the moral of the story etc...  The only thing I can conclude from the facts presented  in evidence is he and his friend like a different  sound.  What those sounds are are still un known even in verbiage.  

So grasshopper what is the moral of story???  Maybe the OP thinks he has better ears than his friend.   Of course we do not know what he likes or his abilities.  Even in simple business strategy  you need a objective so you can come up with strategies to reach it.  

Yes I A realize the Zen master would be disappointed,  I  tried to inject a little logic in this discussion , but  I was in the mood.  

Enjoy the ride