Crossover designs...

I've just begun wrapping my head around crossover designs, reading about Linkwitz-Reilly (sp?) designs with subwoofer external crossovers and first-order crossovers with Royd and Thiel speakers (both of which I own).

Interested in any discussions about pros and cons of various designs, as well as white papers and links to good reads.

Thank you.
I would advise that, in addition to asking here, you check out the forums at

There are plenty of DIY speakerbuilders there, many quite knowledgeable, and all very helpful to beginners.

also htguide has a mission possible section you will find useful. and diyaudio has some insightful information. zaph audio has some great designs and you can get some insight into hs design philosophy.
Some of the interviews with Richard Vandersteen from their site explain the basics of 1st through 4th order crossovers (rolling of at 6,12,18 or 24 db per octave)and why he chose 1st order in spite of the design challenges they pose. Pretty interesting and amazing for a one time truck driver to suceed in such an undertaking.