This is a fun thread. I thank you two gentlemen for not using email to converse this very pertinent topic about... what is the topic again?
Anyhow, I do not wanna question what people hear and can't hear. But, like Z-man, I question the physics used to explain just WHY does cryo improve sound quality.
It would make a lot more sense to me if metal is heated up to near melting point under intense atmospheric pressure. Then gradually, over a very very long period of time, allow the metal to return back to its original environment.
You know, this is how crystals are formed, as the molecules cools and settles, the minieral takes the shape of the mineral that makes up its composition.
I can only GUESS that cryo treating does something to the shape of how the mineral's, in this case outlets, molecular structure to be more uniform similar to crystalization. This would allow smoother and higher conductivity?
Yah, oh, Max, Z is not next to K on the qwerty. ;^ )