Cryogenic Tempering

Does cryogenic tempering have a impact on audiophile equipment?
Great question.I have wondered about that,also.Near where I live is a company that builds cryogenic cooling units for pc processor chip cooling.I also saw a reference in a movie(The Arrival-modern b movie)for a cryogenically cooled low noise pre-amp.Worthy of Krell's interest?
PS Audio Co-Founder and Superphon and Supermods founder Stan Warren is a big believer in freezing speaker cables and interconnects. He also freezes a lot of the circuits he modifies currently. Stan uses dry ice. He has found it is cold enough (minus 100 degrees fairenheit) to do the trick. Therefore you can buy some dry ice and do it yourself. He recommends doing in stages (ie, refrigerator, freezer, dry ice, back to freezer, refrigerator, room temperature), so not the shock the metal.

Mike Vansevers who makes power cords and conditioners, cyrogenically treats the input plugs on his reference level AC conditioners.

On a lighter note, think about how cool your amp would look if you found a way to put dry ice inside... Can you imagine that slow, thick, white mist pooring out the front and sides of your amp as it plays? Would be especially awesome if you put a few blacklights inside and listened in a dark room, yeahhhhh..... :)
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