Curious .. What is the compared price of your tt vs spkrs

Ok people im curious  
what is the price range of you entire analogue set up vs your spkr s with cables .. I often wonder what a guys table set up is when he is running a set of wilsons , or the 25k tt guy ..
my tt setup is about 75-80%  of my spkrs with cable , but i have a sub I occasionally use lol add another $$ so with that probly 60 -70% 
Bdp24, no, certainly not on my part. And I should probably not have included the words "and therefore expensive" in the excerpt of the statement that I quoted from the earlier poster

I am the poster Al who wrote "therefore more expensive". 

Not being a subscriber to the Linn philosophy, I meant this in the context that the loudspeakers are more important than the source and therefore, most likely would be more expensive than the source.. 

This is certainly the case in my system as I stated a 38% vs. 62% difference in favor of my speakers. 

I am not implying that price automatically denotes sound quality.  Just giving my reasons for the allocation of funds in my system.  Others may be at an exact match of vinyl source to speakers and yet others may be polar opposite of mine.  And for those that are, I am sure that Mr. Tiefenbrun is smiling.
I'm guesstimating that if we include the phono preamp, my entire TT setup is pretty much what my speakers with speakers cables are priced at assuming MSRP. Bless the Maker that I paid nowhere near MSRP. 

My philosophy has been for a long time...I will never spend more than $5,000 on any one component, and If I can do it for less great! I have achieved my goal (and then some). And I must say that when it comes to speakers in the $5000 range it seems to me that we had a lot more choices 15 years ago. But to answer the question I’d say I’m about 45% TT (purchased 2015) to 55% spks (purchased 2003). I think the dates of purchase are very relevant here as well. Kinda makes you go hmmmm.

Matt M
Here's a different perspective.  My turntable setup has a MSRP of $30,500.  This includes one table, two arms and two cartridges.  My two pairs of speakers are harder to calculate but I paid a total of $5650.  The speakers include a DIY unit so that throws off the comparison a bit.  But if I just use the commercial set of speakers, the total speaker investment was $4000.  Granted that was 15 years ago, but the current model (supposedly not as good) is $12,000.

Any way I look at it, I have considerably more invested in LP playback than in speakers.  And the vinyl numbers don't include the phono preamp.  That would make the ratio even more lopsided.

I certainly wouldn't recommend that everyone should have more invested in LP playback than in speakers.  That is a personal decision each person has to make for himself.  However, I can say that if I had the same money to spend on a new system, I would probably make the same choices.  I would definitely choose the same speakers even if I had a much larger budget.