Kalali 5-12-2018+1.
The amperes/channel spec is basically meaningless along with most other ampere ratings.
Amplifier current ratings are meaningless and should almost always be ignored. For example, as stated above the MC602 is described as being capable of providing 150 amperes. 150 amps into 2 ohms corresponds to 45,000 watts. 150 amps into 4 ohms corresponds to 90,000 watts. 150 amps into 8 ohms corresponds to 180,000 watts! Meanwhile the amplifier’s rated continuous power capability is 600 watts into any of those impedances, and it is described as being capable of providing 1000 watts on tone bursts.
What the 150 ampere number most likely represents is how much current can be supplied into a short circuit (zero ohms) for an unspecified number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second), at which point the amplifier’s self-protection mechanisms would shut it down. And according to comments Ralph (Atmasphere) has made in the past about amplifier current ratings in general, it may not even represent that capability at the output of the amplifier, but rather at the output of its internal power supply.
-- Al