Custom rack, isolation under platform vs component?

Hi all,

I build my own audio rack as pictured here:


I should have used wood that was thicker, as it is not super rigid. If I push on it, there is some wiggle. And if I apply some torque, there is some torsion. I believe if I bolt the platforms directly to the frame, and use the isolation under the components instead of the platform, the rack will be more rigid.


From your experience, do isolation feet work better under the platform, or the components? 


And it's hard to see from the picture, but the whole rack is on bigger isolation feet, so the rack is isolated from the floor. 

Your rack looks nice. Perhaps you will make a second edition bassed upon trial and error and the rack will be ridged. Honestly, I believe you need to experiment with your new rack to see what will sound best, based on the questions you asked. From my past experience, I do know that you want a very solid frame with no shimmy or shake.

Nicely done but heavy duty is key  to keep from having any movement. I've built two and outgrew them both,  one is torn apart and I have some nice maple back on my  lumber rack and the other one I gave away.
I have some 8/4 quartersawn red oak  drying as we speak for a six tier single width rack and am working on a plan. Adjustable shelves would be nice but not sure how to implement.