DAC Advice needed.

Hey Guys, at the suggestion of several A'Goners I am considering adding a DAC and using my Yamaha DVD S1800 universal player as a transport. I don't want to spend a fortune and sound quality is important more so than video. The Yammie has 4 Burr-Brown chip sets I believe, will I benefit from an external DAC? If so, what would you folks recommend?
Yes , it will make a big difference. Get the Musical Fidelity V-DAC, one of the biggest bargains in audio. $299 from Audio Advisor and you get return privileges. Get a decent cable, it makes a difference. Blue Jeans have a reasonable one that is often recommended. Or you could use a $1700 one like I do if you are completely nuts. But the V-DAC is good enough to tell the difference. Sounds even better with upgraded power supply but great as it comes.
The Cambridge Dacmagic is another good unit for about $400 (new). It compares pretty favorably to the Ultra DAC that replaced it (of course the latter cost four times as much).
CIA VDA*2 is a very fine, not too expensive,DAC.

Also, you might want to consider waiting a bit to see how the Wyred 4 Sound DAC, using the Sabre32, turns out.