DAC in player vs DAC in computer.

What is the difference between the digital to analog conversion in a CD player, and the Digital to analog conversion in a computer.

I'm positive there is a difference, I just don't know what it is.
"I have a DTI that improved the sound of almost any DAC, but it has no connection for a computer. Is there such a device for the computer, a reclocking device."

Yes, an Off-Ramp 5 does this. USB in and lots of digital outputs.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
What's the best computer for an audiophile. Does one computer have a better master clock than another?
Orpheus - There are no "good" master clocks in computers, or sound cards for that matter.

This is the point I'm trying to make. The master clock should be outside of the computer, in another chassis with a good power source etc.. This is the ONLY means to low jitter playback.

This is what is happening in Async USB interfaces and Squeezebox Touch. They have the master clock. The computer is the slave.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
If you dont want to change the DAC, then the next step is to insure that you have a good ripper and good playback software. Good rippers are dbpoweramp for PC and XLD for Mac. Good playback software is Amarra 2.3.2 (4317-19), Pure Music or Jplay for PC.

These will not improve on the master clock jitter, but they will insure that the data is delivered intack.

Then, third-order effects for improvement include putting the OS on a SSD rather than spinning hard disk, improving the PC power supply and eliminating extraneous applications.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio