DACs to look at?

I have been thinking of adding an Anthem STR or McIntosh 2600 to my system....but music is always going to be third on my list: movies and gaming will always be first. I realized that's a lot of money to spend. I currently use a BS Node 2i, running RCA to a Marantz 8805, which is connected to a Krell amp. In the next month, I'll be switching to an ATI 7 channel, and might eventually go to Anthem for processing. But, I'm looking to make my 2 channel just sound "better." I like the BS, but I'm never wowed w/ the sound from music. It sounds really good, but I've heard friends w/ my same speakers (JTR 212RT) say music is jaw dropping for them. I'm just curious if there's some DACs I should look at? Ive been reading about Schitt, they seem to make some good stuff. Ideally, I'll connect the DAC to the BS and use the Node for its OS and streaming....and I'm assuming an upgraded/better DAC will make everything sound louder/cleaner/etc.

Please let me know your suggestions - and if I"m way off base!
@djones51 my buddy has the topping but he said its better for headphones versus tower speakers? not sure he's correct, as again im pretty lost on this stuff. Ill look up the RME and the D90. I'm also still considering just getting an Anthem STR 
If your friends are local, why not go over and listen to their system, since they have the same speakers. Many factors can make it sound awesome, the room they have it in is likely a huge factor.

Oops, forgot we have a pandemic.
I did listen to the C2600 once - I was there to demo the speakers for movies so didn’t give it a detailed listen. I liked it for sure, but trying to find something that’s not $5K! lol 

and...sigh. Pandemic 
I have the Anthem STR integrated it's not much less that $5K. The preamp STR is $4K. If movies and gaming is your priority you might look at the Anthem AVM 60 at $3K, it has a good DAC, ARC and is a streamer.
I noticed on a different thread you use a minidsp for room correction. I used one before getting the Anthem. I prefer ARC to Dirac but if there is a curve you like as you mentioned,  after running ARC if you don't like what it does you can look at the Dirac  curve you like and tweak the ARC to the same curve.