Dalis Euphonoa MS5 vs Sonus faber Cremona vs

Dalis Euphonoa MS5 vs Sonus faber Cremona vs krell Lat, What I need is your pro and con of the three.I want to start with a pair and then follow when budget permits get the rest,center channel and surround.What I'm looking for is a detail,clear,dynamic sound.Wich one represents the best of this atributes and also will interact the best with the rest of the other speakers? center, surround.I will powered them with monoblocks and the rest with a 3 channel amp.

Hi Armandito,

If you're considering this general speaker 'neighborhood' I'd recommend auditioning the Wilson Benesch ACT (or perhaps Curve) and also the Piega C8 limited.

They share a lot of the cabinet design features of the Dali, Cremona, and Krell, and are generally regarded to have exceptional detail and dynamic sound.

(Both the ACT and the C8 lt'd have been reviewed in Sterophile, FYI.)

Good luck,