Damned if I Do and Damed if I Don't

Let me start off by saying that I have a truly wonderful wife! That being said, she couldn't deal with my choice of the Sistrum 6 rack I purchased and which I thought was absoultly terrific. We live in New England and have a cape, which is furnished with many antiques and paintings of the 19th century. She takes great pride in her house but she couldn't deal with the modern look of this rack sitting amongst the antiques.

Now I need suggestions on which racks would have wood, could hold my turntable, 3 tube components, and 3 other components, be aesthetically somewhat compatable with the decor as well as have contribute positively to my sound needs?
I am pulling my recommendations on the Mapleshade platform/equipment rack.I waited a month and a half for two of the three platforms I ordered.I had decided to go with the "black option".When I received the platforms,they were dinged,scratched and blotchy in appearance.I believe that I could have done a better job and would not have rested the platforms on nails while the stain/lacquer dried.I contacted Mapleshade/Eldon to ask if this is what I should expect.Eldon told me "I inspected the platforms before shipment.If you are unhappy with the quality,you won't be happy with anything we provide you".This after calling four times,being left on hold for ten minutes {I recalled on cell-Eldon picked right up-obviously didn't care to speak with me}.We all expect polite service while purchasing,what ever happened to the follow-up/post purchase service.It must be a lost science.TWO THUMBS DOWN and I sell these products! I'll be thinking twice before making another recommendation.
Hey Tpsonic....I often rell everyone how great I think the company is that I just bought from. reality is often a bit of a let-down, after the product arrives and after a few months of use. Perhaps we all should wait to audition thw stuff before going 'aandwagon' on it. Good that you can change your mind. More of us should do so.....
I have recently brought the platforms back into my system.I did buy the standard finish 2" platforms-no returns on 4"ers.I hoped that I could return them,not needing to spend the money.At first,I wasn't sure.I took them out and listened-not bad.Put them back in,even off axis,it was a no-brainer.Better sense of naturalness and more body on vocals with no dynamic smear.Dimensioality was stunning.
Still not sure that I would recommend the black,but a small issue in my mind.Thanks,Pierre/Elton.
Tpsonic: Without starting a lynch mob, it would have probably been more appropriate to state that you sell these products at the time of recommending them than when decided to retract that recommendation. Having said that, at least you made this point evident, albeit two months later.

I'm not trying to get down on you personally, but i think that most Agon users would like to think of most recommendations coming from satisfied customers, not a "shill". The fact that you clarified the situation and did so in both a cautionary and honest fashion tells me that your initial recommendation came out of respect for the product, not for your own monetary motivations. Sean
I am a very ,very small dealer for Walker Audio {Silent Source/Omega Mikro},Mapleshade and Red Rose.I have connections around the industry,which I use to help those people who have caught this passionate "bug".I prefer to call things as I see them.This has caught me a lot of guff and I hear it from the manufacturers also.But,let us call a spade ,a spade.I have worked in audio stores and have spent time in several recording studios.I truly like what I hear using the Omega Mikros.They don't give a hoot about being practical or overly durable.The sound comes first.This has driven me to endless distraction.I try to convey this to my customers.It is a love/hate relationship.Maybe one of my customers will throw in their two cents on this issue.I clear about 3K a year in sales.If this should disqualify me from voicing my opinion,then let fellow AudioGoner voice their opinion.If that is the decision,so be it.My humble apologies to anyone who feels misleaded or deceived. Tom