Dared VP-845 Bias Adjustment? 845W Tubes?

I have a 2005 Dared VP-845 and want to run some 845M Metal Plate Tubes but don't know if there is any way to adjust the bias. Is it fixed, self adjusting or what??? I'm fiarly new in the tube gear so any help is greatly appreciated.

Also what is the difference between the Super TNT 845M and 845W? Thanks again.


The bias is self adjusting on this amp.Not sure about the difference between those tubes. I have the metal plates from Sophia Electric and absolutely love them..much better across the board than the stock 845 IMO.

Thanks for the bias info Ken. I appreciate it very much. The Sophia Electric webpage sells Shuguang 845 Metal Plate tubes, is this what you have? Are they the same as the Super TNT 845M? I'm not worried about a loss in power, but really am focused on getting the cleanest purest sound possible. I'm assuming you are running a Dared VP-845 as well. Is my assumption correct? Thanks.


Yeah, I have the 2006 VP-845. Its about 7 mos old. I emailed Dared US and Joe answered to say that the 845 models are self biasing. Yes,I have the 845M metal plates from Sophia. Dont know about the Super TNT as you mentioned. Unless this is the same tube...im not sure as I haven't seen that particular designation..I have not noticed any loss of power compared to the stock 845 (which have graphite plates for comparison)..In fact the metal plates seem so much more alive and coherent with truly great mids compared to the stock tube. Everything seems much more musical and dynamic with the metal plates.
All I ever hear is good good good news about ALL 845 metal plates and the Super TNT (Supertnt.com) has a pair for a great price that gets rave reviews also. They released a 845W and not much info is available. I really want to know what it is since they don't cost much more than the 845M. I'm not about to pay the rediculous asking prices for the NOS RCA and United Tubes people are asking. It's getting to be crazy! I've wanted an 845 SET amplifier for a while now and have been folowing the RCA 845's for a while. They were half what they are now 1.5-2 years ago. Do you have any modifications dome to your VP-845 such as adding an output or bypassing the oem control knobs? I was considering getting the Dare MC-7P Preamplifier and bypassing the oem control knobs. My main reason for wanting this is the phono input section. Well, thanks again Ken for the info. If there is anything else or a fun fact about the VP-845 you think I should know, please feel free to post again. Thanks!
