David Belles / Power Modules Inc.

Does anyone know if Power Modules is still in business and still managed by David Belles ?
If so, what is the best way to get in touch with David these days ?  Look forward to any input.
birbygdad: I am looking at going to his separate Aria line or possibly the Aria Int. Amp which I have read great things about. Currently using Hegel which I really like as it does a great job on the digital end as well. 
hey gandalf: my old Belles One still works pushing an even older pair of ARs. My present system is based on Dave Belles equipment as referenced above. His work has a simple strength about it that I appreciate. It’s not fancy or extravagant but very musical. The phone preamp is very good. I haven’t heard the Aria power amp but if I needed one I would not hesitate.
birdygdad: I just ordered a Aria Pre/Amp in Silver and I will most likely get the mono blocks down the road. However I might try one of these out since the cost is great and I know of a few people that have them and like them a lot! 

Gandalf, I think you will love the Aria preamp. I'm running a Grado cart now and it sounds great. Even though I have a Belles 150 v2 power amp now I am intrigued by the Aria monoblocs. I've not heard the class D amps (except in phones, etc) but they seem to be the big thing. You'll enjoy the Aria preamp. Good luck.
birbygdad: Thank for the info, picking up my Aria Preamp while I am at Axpona next week. Still seeking a good Amp to use with it, I am tempted to go with the Aria Monolocs just not sure if they will have the power reserves to run the Dynaudio C2’s Platinums or my Maggie 1.7is.. The Class D Audio seems to have crap loads of power, just unsure of the clarity of the Class D stuff. Coin toss either way.