David Belles / Power Modules Inc.

Does anyone know if Power Modules is still in business and still managed by David Belles ?
If so, what is the best way to get in touch with David these days ?  Look forward to any input.
Gandalf, I think you will love the Aria preamp. I'm running a Grado cart now and it sounds great. Even though I have a Belles 150 v2 power amp now I am intrigued by the Aria monoblocs. I've not heard the class D amps (except in phones, etc) but they seem to be the big thing. You'll enjoy the Aria preamp. Good luck.
birbygdad: Thank for the info, picking up my Aria Preamp while I am at Axpona next week. Still seeking a good Amp to use with it, I am tempted to go with the Aria Monolocs just not sure if they will have the power reserves to run the Dynaudio C2’s Platinums or my Maggie 1.7is.. The Class D Audio seems to have crap loads of power, just unsure of the clarity of the Class D stuff. Coin toss either way.
If you think Aria Mono's are not enough
Check out the New Belles SA 100
Its a dual Mono design ,has a big sense of scale and sophistication
drove 86 db Vandersteen 3 A SIGs to near perfection.

One of our interested clients brought in his 500 wpc Spectron musicians mono Digital amps.
The comparison started as an an obvious Belles choice and continued with him thinking maybe trying this speaker wire or that power cord can fix this after a couple weeks of more searching he just said Uncle.
The Belles just had a certain engagement that pulls you into the music.
He now owns the Belles power amp.

Check out the New Belles SA 100

audioconnection --

Is there a "new" SA-100 having just surfaced, or are you simply referring to the SA-100 that’s been on the market for almost 4 years now?

Using the class-A version myself, the SA-30 - a wonderful poweramp.

How would you compare the SA-100 and SA-30 sonically?
JohnnyR: according to David the new Aria Mono Amp will just run about anything as he stated his specs are on the very conservative side. Looking at pairing them up with some Dynaudio C2 Platinums and some Magnepan 1.7i... I will have the pre/amp this weekend, just using a old rebuilt Amp but looking forward to a decent Amp(s) to run speakers with easy. A pair of MB-200 might do the trick as well! ;)