I don't think there is much else to say about the functionality of the software. It's a transfer function that is, as I stated, independent of the difference of channel balance. Anyone with the software, or a spec an, or a true RMS meter can duplicate at least the transfer function to the limit of each measurement devices resolution. Of course the other options mentioned are more tedious. What one does with the repeatable information obtained from this exercise can be the subject of debate which I will not enter into since I'd much rather listen to music than engage in turf wars about subjective opinions.
I guess we will agree to disagree since I know I can (and have done so) duplicate the transfer function using several different tools to benchmark what my [b]ears[/b] tell me.
I appreciate your interest in this discussion and how you are sharing your understanding of how you think the software works.
In the end the software is a tool, a very nice one IMO for analog applications, to be used to help the listener find satisfaction and enjoyment in music reproduction. Does the software work as I stated? Yes. Is it the final judgment on satisfaction of music playback? No, that would be the individual music listeners contentment with the quality of music playback or at least is should be.