DC issues using a Krell KSA 150 w/ tubed preamp?

Does anyone have any experience in matching a Krell ss amp w/ a tubed pre? I remember reading somewhere about a compatibility issue...maybe based on something to do w/ the Krell dc setup?
I had a pair of Krell 300S with a Audio Research Tube Pre Amp - LS5 MKII and it sounded great - no problems.
There is no such thing as 'tube DC'. No preamp, tube or solid state, will make DC at its output if it is working right.

IOW, the idea that tube preamps have DC at their output is a myth.
I think the "working right" is the operative term. Tube failures are not uncommon.
Unsound, even if there was a tube failure, DC would not be the result. DC would be the result of a coupling capacitor failure, something highly unlikely in a tube preamp, as said cap would be a film type, which are very stable parts that last decades.

If anything, the electrolytic caps common in solid state preamps are far less reliable!

IOW, what we are talking about is indeed a myth
Not true Atmasphere, your amps may be of a better quality but I experienced a reasonably high DC offset on a modern preamp that retailed 8 grand; the coupling cap was indeed the culprit. So always measure with a VOC meter which can be had under 20 bucks.