DCS Rossini dac owners

I know this won’t be a hot topic but I have a question about the Rossini for actual users.
I’m just not hearing the benefit of adding the Rossini clock which is generally praised as a significant upgrade. Would appreciate comments/experiences concerning this add on device. I wish I could hear what all the fuss is about. Thanks
Although not a Rossini owner I’ve had clocks in both my older Paganini and current Vivaldi systems. 

The effect of the clock should be to add clarity and greater soundstage resolution to the system. It should not affect tonality so if you were looking for the “more bass, more treble” type of effect you won’t hear it. The music should sound more relaxed and natural, it may even seem quieter.

Stick with the fundamental frequency (44.1 or 48) as using multiples causes issues. Also make sure you are using a good BNC and also an upgraded power cord to the clock, dCS always recommended the clock as the first piece for a power cord upgrade. 

Anyway without knowing much much about the rest of your system hard to know what might be getting in the way. Feel free to PM if you want a more detailed discussion.
Thanks for a very thoughtful reply. I’m very happy w the Rossini. I just thought it would be more obvious. I’m using good clock cables plus power cord. I’ll keep trying to figure it out. I can return the clock but want to get it right. 
What type of digital input are you using?  All of my experience is with AES/EBU or FireWire in the context of playing discs. I suspect if you are using USB to a Rossini DAC you may not experience the same effect.