dCS Rossini vs. Berkeley Reference dac 2

Has anyone compared the two?  I have heard the Rossini side-by-side with the Berkeley Ref. dac 1.  Long story short, the Rossini justified its higher price.  I'm now wondering if Berkeley's second try has narrowed the gap? Meanwhile, kudos to both dCS and Berkeley for striving to provide upgradeable products.
Sounds good!  I too have worked with Galen Carol, who is quite knowledgeable about Shunyata products- you have a good resource at hand!  I am using a Zitron Sigma HC with my Triton- I'm not looking back or forward at this time, it's hear to stay (sorry, bad pun).  I have read the Denali reviews, surely great products.  BTW, I used a Power Wedge isolation trans.-type processor from about 1992 to about two years ago. The physics involved in these products defies both my knowledge and interest, but in my system and on my power grid, I can only regret waiting so long to let it go and move on.  Isolation transformers are great for protection, however.  I have used them in other applications.  You have some fun toys!

Thanks. I've settled on two things. The Berkeley Alpha Reference 2 DAC. And my Wilson Alexia loudspeakers. Will investigate the merits of MQA once its more fully established. I'm still playing with amps. Will likely sell my Atma Sphere amps, mainly on the different presentation of the Berkeley 2. It makes my Ayre amps, now completely acceptable. But as I say that, I have a D'Agostino S-250 on the way. Lol. Will settle on interconnects once the amp decision is made. Also plan to play around a bit with that Shunyata Denali system. It Never Ends.
Thanks imgoodwithtools. I too found isolation a huge factor re digital.
And thanks aldenberry for the info on yours.
The D'Ag will be fun to compare with Nagra.  I've owned both; though I owned a D'Ag Integrated, I've heard the separates.  It's hard to say one is better than the other, but they are different.  Since you're playing with top-end gear and since our systems have a lot in common, let me just tell you that the best amps I've heard are from Vitus, which is now supported in the US.  Best amps and preamps- Vitus and Koda.  I haven't heard the venerated Gryphon products, which as a Rockport lover (I've owned Wilson- outstanding but not my preferred flavor) may represent the best.  Gryphon is not supported in the US.  Just an opinion.  That's all any of these posts are worth.  
And to ptss,
I compared AC cord effects between my Aurender source and Berkeley Ref Dac 1.  Going up the price/ quality continuum, I found that the Aurender was more responsive to cord changes than the Berkeley.  For what it's worth!  Boy are we off topic!