dCS Rossini vs. Berkeley Reference dac 2

Has anyone compared the two?  I have heard the Rossini side-by-side with the Berkeley Ref. dac 1.  Long story short, the Rossini justified its higher price.  I'm now wondering if Berkeley's second try has narrowed the gap? Meanwhile, kudos to both dCS and Berkeley for striving to provide upgradeable products.
Thanks mribob, will look into eMats.  Otherwise we have very similar configurations.  Mine sounds like crap right now, so I have to remind myself that break-in is still happening while I also double check my dCS settings.  So it is reassuring the read that yours is performing well.

Shadi has just gotten too busy.  Good for him, of course, but he was going to send my a Nucleus for home trial and never did!  I think he's well intentioned but I moved on..  Though tubes will probably find their way back into my system, I REALLY want to stop thinking about gear, for a good long while.  But I am looking forward to the MQA update for the Vivaldi DAC.  Take Care!  
dCS settings can be very confusing and complex....especially when using dual AES to get hi res from NB and DSD. My dealer has been great for the few times I've managed to screw things up, often a simple phone call with instructions has me back listening again. I just started streaming Tidal, but I am also waiting to have the Vivaldi decode MQA, since the NB already is compatible....strange that the Rossini has this feature for almost one year now...
Brian and SP of Audio Element  worked hard at my room, re-configuring my snake pit of cables behind the rig, helped to reduce my ground loop, and overall helped with speaker set up, toe in, etc, even though I only bought a modest amount of gear from him...he has great ears, and is a great person to work with....
One thing I do love about the Berkeley DAC is that it is simple to operate. Reliable and simple. That's worth something, to me at least. I don't like to feel like I'm in computer school when I want to listen to my stereo.
The latest issue of TAS has a very favorable review of the Rossini, even more so with MQA material.

After reading the section on how dCS implements MQA for its OWN hardware, my interest in MQA is now reignited but only with regard to SQ of MQA vs non-MQA files played via the same dac.
dCS seems to be the first company to implement MQA in this way.

The MQA-capable Rossini may just be the ticket to end all MQA debates based on SQ alone.