Dealer behavior issue

I would like opinions as to whether members feel that I’m being unreasonable to think
that a very popular dealer has not performed so well on my behalf, the customer. Last summer I ordered an expensive ARC amp understanding that delivery would most likely be in Oct which was fine with me. I did make a commitment which I understand.
My situation seriously changed due to my wife’s health but I agree that’s not his problem.
At this point I requested to pay a handsome restocking fee, 2-3k, can’t remember the amount but he was cavalier saying why would I want to do this?
So that was that.
The unit is about to be delivered and as I’ll immediately resell the unopened box I gave him a last offer.
The transaction had a current unit model trade in that retailed for 8k and is a favorite product of his and he carries it.
Yesterday I offered to give him this unit as the restock fee with 90 days to fully refund me.
I have received no response so he didn’t like my offer which is his right. I have spent over 40k retail over the last two years with him with no problems.
So in the end I changed my mind which is the lowest form of audio behavior. Was I foolish to think this guy would accommodate me? The product I offered to GIVE him will fly out his door for $4k .
This is just business as usual ?
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I only deal with the owner. He is out of state and ok to send to my no dealer area. I expect he’s heard it all and my problem is not his problem. I think that has nothing to do with what his behavior should have been. 
Ive bought a lot of equipment from him and we’d had a fine relationship.I do vacillate at times on purchases but have always pulled the trigger.
Im just amazed that he values me so little. 
well based on all the prior deals i simply
thought he wouldn’t freak out over losing one high dollar deal especially when offered large restock fees. i do trust him to come through with delivery.  he’s not dishonest. just a bit greedy without the long view in mind.,this was an eye opener to me
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" The unit is about to be delivered and as I’ll immediately resell the unopened box I gave him a last offer. "
"The unit is about to be delivered", does this mean that it is in transit , or your understanding that it will be delivered sometime in October?
" I’ll immediately resell the unopened box ", so what do you think you'll take as a loss if you sell it unopened versus your restocking fee scenario?