@czarivey : "RnR is dying not only because of jazz or classical music"
Jazz and classical have _nothing_ to do with the decline of rock and roll.
And quite frankly despite the hoity-toity appeal that some people ascribe to jazz I find it no more sophisticated or intellectual than a great deal of good rock or even blue grass for that matter.
And if rock is dying, classical is truly, thoroughly dead when it comes to new material and innovation. I am no expert but I go to operas, the symphony etc and own a modest collection of classical music. I love it. But I haven't heard anything written in the last 75 years that interests me. Well, maybe some of Sharon Isbin's stuff but a lot of that is true classical adapted to guitar. But that is pretty esoteric.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking anyone's preference of music. Its all music.
But the premise that jazz and classical are killing rock just doesn't jibe with reality. There are not enough people abandoning rock for jazz or classical to have any impact on rock's life-support.
Where the premise really falls flat is that rock is not dying. It simply isn't the predominant format and it is no longer going to find you. You have to find it. But its out there. And man there is some good stuff out there right now.
Jazz and classical have _nothing_ to do with the decline of rock and roll.
And quite frankly despite the hoity-toity appeal that some people ascribe to jazz I find it no more sophisticated or intellectual than a great deal of good rock or even blue grass for that matter.
And if rock is dying, classical is truly, thoroughly dead when it comes to new material and innovation. I am no expert but I go to operas, the symphony etc and own a modest collection of classical music. I love it. But I haven't heard anything written in the last 75 years that interests me. Well, maybe some of Sharon Isbin's stuff but a lot of that is true classical adapted to guitar. But that is pretty esoteric.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking anyone's preference of music. Its all music.
But the premise that jazz and classical are killing rock just doesn't jibe with reality. There are not enough people abandoning rock for jazz or classical to have any impact on rock's life-support.
Where the premise really falls flat is that rock is not dying. It simply isn't the predominant format and it is no longer going to find you. You have to find it. But its out there. And man there is some good stuff out there right now.