Eyiu, you will wan to use the Precision Blue armwand. The cartridge weighs 10g and its compliance is going to fall somewhere between 10 and 15cu; so the blue armwand will get you the lowest Resonant Frequency (8.55Hz if 15cu, 10.5Hz if 10cu).
Either of these figures will be acceptable, 8Hz being, IMO, optimum. Either way, not a huge difference.
You should probably consider using the damping fluid in your DP-6. I do and this is running a Scheu-Benz; your cartridge almost always will benefit from some damping.
Hope this helps.
Either of these figures will be acceptable, 8Hz being, IMO, optimum. Either way, not a huge difference.
You should probably consider using the damping fluid in your DP-6. I do and this is running a Scheu-Benz; your cartridge almost always will benefit from some damping.
Hope this helps.