Dedicated AC Lines??

I'm new to all of this AC stuff, but grateful to all who post here. I've noticed modest improvements after upgrading the AC cord to my amp (jolida 302B). I added a Shunyata Cobra and a Guardian 4 conditioner. I have what I call one-step-upgrade cables on my Jolida CD player and Jolida Phono Stage (I like to keep it all in the family!). I'm just listening in here and trying to figure out if maybe improving my AC lines would be a better approach. My system is on a circuit with 3 computers and other computer stuff like drive bays and printers. I guess I'm wondering if adding a dedicated line would really do anything. All of this 'noise' surely travels back through the breaker and onto the main bus bar in the panel right? Then right back out to all other circuits in the house, including any dedicated line I would add right? I'm no electrical engineer (just civil/structural).

So if one were to install dedicated lines where do you start? Main panel, service entrance?

What about multiple lines? I've heard one line is better for grounding and hum.
You definitely need at least two; maybe three dedicated AC lines on their own circuit breakers. Digital equipment should be on it's own circuit.
You should hear a quieter back ground which should provide you with all around better performance.
Example: more dynamic bass, mids, and highs. Wider and deeper sound stage, providing ones equipment is up to the task. Your equipment should be fine.
If you have room in your main panel run the lines from there. If there isn't room for two or three more circuit breakers you will need to run a subpanal box off of your main panel.
Use good AC outlets, my favorite is the Porter Port. See my reviews under user name Lak, and check out my power filtration system under my systems.
Finally MUCH has been written upon this topic, so do a search on the Audiogon forums.
Best regards,
Most large stores have a 30-day no hassle return policy. Try a Monster unit or like, they are in most of the big HT stores. If it does not solve the problem, take it back and nothing is lost except for the gas and time spent.
Hello Lak:
Thanks for your input. I noticed in your photos that you are using isolation transfomers. I imagine this is a crutial part of the system to keep the AC clean. What else can you add about these units? Would replacing my outlets on my current setup make sense as a short term upgrade?
Still, no one answered this question:

"I guess I'm wondering if adding a dedicated line would really do anything. All of this 'noise' surely travels back through the breaker and onto the main bus bar in the panel right? Then right back out to all other circuits in the house, including any dedicated line I would add right?"

I've wondered the same thing.
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