Dedicated CD Transport vs DAC


Just some honest questions...

In your opinion, based on what you have actually experienced....

1)  Which accounts for the most sonic improvement?  A quality dedicated CD Transport or a Quality DAC?

2)  If a person could assign a percentage... by what % did your cd transport improve your sound?  By what % did your new dac improve your sound?

3)  If you honestly gained an improvement in sound... was it like, " Oh my God, I can't believe how great this improvement is " or is it more like, " I can hear an improvement but no wheres nearly commensurate with the increase in price it cost me."

Coming from being highly invested in vinyl playback for the last 50 years... I'm struggling trying to decide how to improve the cd playback side of my system.

Up to this point in time, I've usually found cd playback to oftentimes sound hard, glaring, sterile, two dimensional, etc.

Which in your mind, helps to eliminate the above sound qualities that I dislike?  A new dedicated cd transport or a new dac?

Thanks much for taking the time to reply and help me better understand!

Best wishes,




I’m using a Vecteur L.4 cd player as transport through a great coax cable into an Audio Note Kit 3.1 DAC that was prebuilt but retubed by me.

Recently I purchased an Arcam CD5 transport because of the terrific reviews ("great with vocals" "great sense of space" "great bass punch" et cetera). And I wanted to see how the new Arcam compared to the 20+ year-old Vecteur.

Wow, after doing an A/B, I was SHOCKED at how anemic and thin the Arcam sounded compared to the Vecteur. Putting it into automotive terms, the difference was as substantial as comparing an old Volkswagen Beetle (the new Arcam!) to a new BMW (the old Vecteur!). The naturally airy lushness and warm musicality of the Vecteur completely outperformed the Arcam.

So, I would agree with facten above that transports can make a HUGE difference. I would also encourage you to get high quality and well-reviewed after-market cables and vibration dampeners. I’ve found that each component I’ve upgraded has opened up the sound, making it more natural and "magical."

I completely sold out to digital in 1989 and as time progressed, so did the quality of the CD playback I bought.  Sometime in the late '90s I was listening to three pieces of digital separates  (Rega transport, Genesis Time Lens, Muse Model 2 DAC) and about three or four years ago I took another plunge and bought a Maranzt SA10.  This is the best CD playback I have owned yet, and depending upon the quality of the disc I am playing pack, I am highly satisfied.  

@facten  Hello and thank you for your post!

How does a manufacturer optimize one digital output over another?

Why wouldn’t they want all digital outputs to sound great?

I would think that by only optimizing one output you would be limiting your market base?


Best wishes,


@oddiofyl Hello and thank you for your post!

It’s great to know that you are hearing a much better sound from your new Teac vs the Oppo as a transport… that there is no comparison!

That helps give me more faith in replacing my old Rotel 955ax with a dedicated cd transport.  

Im curious, are you using an external clock in addition to the Teac transport?

Thank you and best wishes,




Yes, I did purchase a new LTA Aero Dac. 
I’m currently using and old Rotel 955AX cd player as a transport via it’s rca digital out. 
Im now trying to ascertain if spending another $2500 to $5000 on a dedicated cd transport will garner a “significant” improvement in sound and be worth the cash outlay.  

Best wishes,
