If you feel sure this is a mains noise level issue and not some kind of equipment thing going on, then I would recommend Alan Maher Designs, despite that most audiophiles have little or no experience with them. I’ve been dealing with Alan since 2010 with full confidence in what he says and what he does. I know for a fact he can reduce mains noise levels because this is essentially the kind of problem he handles all day every day.
I know the normal products he would recommend for ordinary standalone homes, but for a row house, you will need to contact Alan directly through his company site on facebook (Alan P Maher, or alanmaherdesigns.net and fb message him, he will respond to your q’s within a day). Don’t worry, he has grounding and noise-reduction expertise with electrical systems worldwide so a row house will not offer him any real challenge. For the said normal house, a good solution with his stuff would be around $300-$350, with always the option to expand from there if you liked what those changes did to the sound quality (the improvements of which being the real attraction to Alan’s approach...reducing electrical noise = much improved sound in all departments, not simply just a reduction in perceived background hiss or audible noise, of course).
Lots easier and just as effective in most cases as dealing with balanced transformers. Installation of the AMD stuff IME is a breeze although it usually takes about 30 days or so to fully come on song, but I’ve found everything I’ve ordered from him to work as advertised to say the least.
Some, or possibly even all, of the products he will recommend to you can be applied directly to the breaker box.
I know the normal products he would recommend for ordinary standalone homes, but for a row house, you will need to contact Alan directly through his company site on facebook (Alan P Maher, or alanmaherdesigns.net and fb message him, he will respond to your q’s within a day). Don’t worry, he has grounding and noise-reduction expertise with electrical systems worldwide so a row house will not offer him any real challenge. For the said normal house, a good solution with his stuff would be around $300-$350, with always the option to expand from there if you liked what those changes did to the sound quality (the improvements of which being the real attraction to Alan’s approach...reducing electrical noise = much improved sound in all departments, not simply just a reduction in perceived background hiss or audible noise, of course).
Lots easier and just as effective in most cases as dealing with balanced transformers. Installation of the AMD stuff IME is a breeze although it usually takes about 30 days or so to fully come on song, but I’ve found everything I’ve ordered from him to work as advertised to say the least.
Some, or possibly even all, of the products he will recommend to you can be applied directly to the breaker box.