Dedicated lines/surge protectors?

with all this talk of dedicated lines, it just occured to me, do you guys use one surge protector for each outlet? It seems silly to go to all the trouble and expense of adding 4 sepeparate 20amp cicuits for my main system components, and then plug them all into the same surge protector?
you are busy tonight aren't you? Well I will have to look up this company

Just read the product info from the Zero Surge website...interesting. How does it sound relative to the competition? I see that they have a 20 amp unit with hospital grade outlets, but don't see which HG outlet they're using.
Wdi, I have the surge protection box that looks like a circuit breaker box, but with circuit boards instead. There are no receptacles, only terminal screws to hook up wiring that goes out to the receptacles.
Hi Wdi:
MOV's are available from Radio Shack. Mouser Electronics, Digikey also likely. I buy mine in that specific model from industrial suppliers such as Newark Elecronics or Allied Electroncis.
You ought to check on surgex products. They use a series approach to surge protection and their emi/rf filtering is impedance tolerant. They have a product that provides protection for dedicated lines/breaker box, but they also have free standing units as well.