dedicated outlet cost

How much did you pay for dedicated outlet and how many did you get?
Just out of curiosity, have you considered getting an AC Regen unit instead of running dedicated lines? I am considering both options. I am leaning towards the AC regen. Running dedicated lines in my house is not easy. It would require going through dry wall and the studs. Probably a lot of effort and money. Also, even with dedicated lines I am not guaranteed that the power coming from the outlet is clean and consistent. Also, with an AC regen unit, I have flexiblity in terms of placement in case I ever move my system. You also get surge protection as well. Anyway, just a thought.
I ran two lines myself with PS Audio Power cost about $150 in materials.
If you're going to invest in dedicated lines an equally important, if not more, consideration is a dedicated ground for them. Very important.
I ran two 15A lines with 12g Romex and five 20A lines with 10g Romex, plus added a subpanel just for them and Porter Ports, total cost was less than $2K.
I added 4 dedicated lines. since the breaker box is on the other side of the listing room wall it was a breeze. total cost included isolated ground about 70.00 :) You guys are crazy.