dedicated outlet cost

How much did you pay for dedicated outlet and how many did you get?
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Tvad, what about keeping source on one circuit, and power hungry devices (amps, etc) on another. i know...MANY views on this..just curious of yours
I'd add, in an ideal world, that the video, i.e. TV or projector, ought to have a separate circuit also. I don't know why, but from playing around with my three dedicated circuits, I ended up with a better picture, it was deeper and had a more vibrant color. (I should add that, deplorably, I still have an old 'big screen' tv). I'll let the experts figure out why. The disadvantage, of course is cost, not only the additional run, though that's relatively small, but the extra PC or surge/spike protector.
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I totally agree with Tvad.
I actually have 3 dedicated circuits. One (20A) for digital, one (20A) for Analog and a 3rd (30A) for my Pass Labs X350.5 Amp.
The 30 Amp circuit is overkill but my Amp will never starve!