Deleted Threads by Admin??

I’ve read a lot of threads where folks complain about the Administrators removing entire threads. While I have no reason to disbelieve the Admins might in fact remove threads, I discovered by accident that the OP’s can also delete their thread(s). (I did so last weekend when I discovered my premise of the thread was false.) When I clicked on my self-deleted thread, the “error” prompt I received was that the Admin removed the thread. So there appears a couple paths whereby a thread can be removed from the forum.

"I’m satisfied with the thread ending as it stands. Thanks, for everyone’s contributions!"

Well you are certainly very welcome however it appears here that you are laboring under a mistaken, misunderstood, or confused notion that even as the OP you have the right, power, or influence to declare, pronounce, or insist that the thread ends here. It is apparent and obvious to all who have followed in this thread your obvious, deliberate, and even insidious premeditated effort to introduce politics and your own opaque personal agenda into what otherwise would be a simple forum for the exchange of thoughts and ideas about music and audio. In fact this most recent exultation from you that this thread has now ended follows a previous notice from you made within this thread that "this thread is officially off the rails. I’m moving on" but you seem unable to move on because of you’re apparent inner need to obfuscate, confuse, and conceal and of course you can delete this thread as the OP but you can not do that because of you're own ego and sense of personal grandeur.
Wait! It can't end yet ... I have to thank you all for the great laugh that put me in a great mood. Comedy always seems to relax me. Now, I'm ready for bed. G'night. :-)


PS: I'm continually pleased and in awe at the intelligence of many who post on this site. The wit and prose keeps me coming back.
If any post gets deleted, just re-post and start a pissing's the 21st century way!!!!   
It IS an interesting topic. High End as usually discussed in this forum is essentially Right Wing  as it is dependent in large part on large incomes or trust funds AND a tendency to make up it's own "facts".  Note I said Hign End. Music playback engineering can be basically neutral.
Music on the other hand  leans more Left Wing, at least the huge protest and "common man" perspective of most Rock Folk and Jazz., and a lot of classical. I understand <Music> as organized vibration,  informed by theory and art  is proba ly neutral.  There are obvious ironies listening to Robert Johnson on 40,000 dollar rigs. (Not saying it's bad, just food for thought.).
As with most things, political discourse is susceptible to being generalized a bit much. To wit: Plenty of folks on the left have really nice (read: expensive) audio  systems.