@philipwu wow didn't realize how bad it was, I would figure a power cable is a power cable for that rating of 10A 125V, while a regulated power supply would be the only upgrade I could make for a difference in sound quality. If @jayctoy uses another cable that works I would be happy to consider it.
Would you guys advocate for replacing this power cable to claim that a better linear/regulated power supply can improve the accuracy of the internal clock of the DAC? Or such as to improve the analogue output by various means?
If a linear power supply doesn't seem like a necessity, I'll be more than happy to replace it with a better power supply as recommended.
Would you guys advocate for replacing this power cable to claim that a better linear/regulated power supply can improve the accuracy of the internal clock of the DAC? Or such as to improve the analogue output by various means?
If a linear power supply doesn't seem like a necessity, I'll be more than happy to replace it with a better power supply as recommended.