Denon 2900: Questions, comments

Anybody running a 2900 and have questions, comments, observations that they would like to share ? I bought one of these to run while my Philips SACD 1000 is down for repair. I'd like to compare notes with those that own / have owned or are just interested in this unit. Sean

Hey Sean, I have been looking at the 2900 as well. Here are a couple of review links of the 2900, one from audioholics and another from Stereophile Guide to Home Theater, hope they answer some of your questions. Like you I would prefer the observations and conclusions of AudiogoN-ers.

I had the SACD 1000 for a while and later sold it (not sure that was a good thing to do!!??!!), would love to hear your comparison between that and the 2900 for SACD. Would also be interested in the differences between the SACD and DVD-A capabilities of the 2900 if you have checked that out.

Read the review in the new Absolute Sound along with a few other models. The Yamaha looks like a good deal and got a pretty good review.
A couple of more review links from Bill Gaw at Enjoy the for those interested. here and here.
