Describe the "new HiFi sound"?

Recently had a discussion with an audio friend over the word "musical" and what this word means to each of us with regard to sound from different amplifiers and speakers. Some debate too.  And, reading this other comment on Agon once in a some equipment has the "new HiFi sound".  


Can someone describe this, in your words, what is the new HiFi Sound to you?  Examples? Or, opposites of the new HiFi sound, what does this sound like?





@kota1 I didn't say that my friends stereo's suck, it's just that Atmos sucks for music. I didn't care for anything Dolby did since there beginning.

Ok this has gone off the rails.  Kota is obviously the poster child for Atmos.  I was just transported to the Village Vanguard where the John Coltrane Quartet was playing live…absolutely soul satisfying and realistic!  The sound was wild, unrestrained and washed over me like a sonic tsunami of heavenly tones and dynamics.  I grabbed a Guinness and just melted into my chair!  My speaker cables cost more than an Atmos system because they can convey everything the artist intended through my system.  Kota would loose his audio virginity if he heard my system…but that could make a mess, so probably not a good idea.

I associate it with a flat, neutral response in speakers.  A flat response even to the sound's detriment.  


Do you remember the title of this thread? Atmos is new, your "rails" are intact. Dude, if you are so enamored with "old" I got no beef with that. Bitter after tossing all that cash into something so lifeless that the only thing they seem to play at audio shows on those $$$$$ systems is female vocals and acoustic instruments, I get it. The poor engineer doing the mix was forced to shoe horn it in to the two channels, hence you have an army of zombies, butt glued in the MLP, head in a vice with two sound cannons pointed at their head, yay for the old, I get it. Here is a link to a plethora of award winning engineers extolling how much they love having a broader palate to mix with in atmos then stereo. Does atmos have a complex setup? Yes, but the dolby standards are clear, it is backward compatible with whatever you have, and you can even use headphones:




My point is I wouldn't make a visits to my friends anything a reference. As for stereo as you can see mine works great. I have a very nice Sony Signature dac/headphone amp/pre that I can use as a dedicated two channel pre with my active speakers or simply use the DAC with my processor. It sounds excellent and a few mixes sound better in stereo than immersive, I can always pivot. I seem to prefer stereo with my morning coffee: