Designer Hall of Fame

There are many great designers out there, and especially in the lore from the golden age, but I'm not to familiar with them. I thought it might be interesting to discuss some of the great designers for engineering skill and knowledge, business integrity, and ultimatley quality of their products. My short list a "hall of fame" if you will of designers working today are:

Nelson Pass, Pass Labs
Charles Hansen, Ayre
Roger Modjeski, Music Reference
Ken Stevens, Convergent Audio Technolgy (CAT)
Kevin Hayes, VAC

and how could I leave Jeff Rowland off? Well it is a short list. Who would you nominate?
John Hillig, Julius Futterman, the transmission line pioneers -- Bailey, Webb, Chris Rogers ...think that's right.
He disappeared one year when he was supposed to be going to CES. The FBI got involved and was watching his home and had his phone redirected. There were a lot of weird rumors (faked his death, went into hiding, weird inventions, paranoia, that sort of thing), but there has been no official story to my knowledge.
Niro Nakamichi, Don't think he has been mentioned yet, many will sight the dragon tape decks no doubt,true dedication to perfection, if your unsure then check out the tp-1200 car preamp, i have 2 and it is breathtaking.
There are many, but my for me it’s a 3 way tie between:

Victor Khomenko of BAT
Luke Manley of VTL
William Z. Johnson of Audio Research

Though all three of these men take different approaches, their gear is always well built and provides a rich sonic experience. Whether or not you like the sound of their designs, they all have contributed greatly to the resurgence of tube based technologies as being the real deal. If you suffered through the chintzy, edgy sound, of Solid-State offerings of the 70’s and 80’s you will appreciate the current popularity of tube gear.