Devore Gibbon 88 v. PMC Twenty-23

I'm looking to upgrade speakers for a system in a second home and looking for some advice. I have a very small listening area - speakers only 6' apart and 8' from listening chair, can only get them at most 18" from back wall. Have been using inexpensive standmounts but interested in floorstanders with a small footprint (might as well put money into the actual speakers rather than the stands, for the same size footprint). I've auditioned the Gibbon 88s and really like them. Would like to also audition the PMCs but the nearest dealer is over three hours away so not sure if it's worth the trip. I guess I prefer speakers that are fast and detailed, with a decent bottom end, but I'm not really a bass-hog. Listen mostly to acoustic/electric guitar, blues, classic rock, jazz and vocals, in that order. System - Prima Luna Dialogue Premium integrated (KT-120 tubes), Music Hall 9.1 with Ortofon 2M black and Croft RIAA MM phono pre-amp, Audience 24e interconnects, Nordost Purple Flare speaker cables. Also using a Marantz SA8003 SACD player with AQ Sydney cables, although system is mostly for listening to vinyl. Appreciate your thoughts.
Thanks, Ladok. Didn't realize you were using the PL Dialogue as well. That's a big selling point right there. Are you using the stock EL34s or the KT120s, just out of curiosity?
Actually, I got it with the KT88s. I decided on those because one of my long-time amps, a small Antique Sound Labs, uses 2 KT88s for 15 watts per channel and it sounds fantastic with the Devores. The Dialogue with the KT88s has that same natural, spacious sound, but provides a little more punch. I'm thinking of ordering some KT120s for the Dialogue, because I've never heard them before.
So, interesting development. Met a dealer who recently closed his brick and mortar store, and has quite a bit of inventory he would like to sell off. He has a pair of Nola Contenders, demos, only about 20 hours on them, that he's offered up for $2,000 (retail $3,900). Definitely tube-friendly and great reviews. Also a great match in terms of footprint. With the money saved I could upgrade my TT. Any thoughts?
It sounds like he's close to you. Maybe he would let you audition them in your home for a few days. That would be the best way to see if you like them.
See the Nola thread, a few folks were disappointed , thought them go be lifeless and boring .