DeVore O/93 or PureAudioProject Duet15 for a First Watt SIT-3?

What do you think would be better for a warm organic late night listening (classic music, opera and jazz)?
Stereophile reviewed the O/93 as a perfect pairing with SIT-3 (even is SIT-3 prefers low impedance speakers).
Duet15 seems to me more sensible (97db vs 93db) (and Steve Guttenberg think are top).
My current speakers are 4ohms / 87db Avalon Indra, absolute fantastic at their 80db listening kingdom.



@ulul 18 Watts (or 30 into 4 Ohms) isn't a great deal of power. From the looks of the distortion curve vs power, if you want the most out of this amp it really should be loafing. I think it will sound fine with any of the speakers you mention, but that won't be the same as sounding its best.

It seems this amp flies in the face of most amps by having actually lower distortion into 4 Ohms, while still having a good harmonic spectrum of the distortion.

The trick is that speakers are measured using 2.83 Volts at 1 meter. So if its a 4 Ohm load, to make 2.83V Volts the amp is making 2 Watts. So a speaker that is 95 dB and 8 Ohms is 3dB more efficient than one that is 95dB and 4 Ohms. For that reason you are looking for a speaker that might be 100 to 103dB and also 4 Ohms, which strikes me as a bit unusual.

In an average room I found with speakers of 97dB that I needed a lot more power than I would have guessed, so as to keep things relaxed at normal listening levels. Good luck with the quest!

I thought you were dead!  Sorry but not going to bite. 

First you post something that is indefensible, and then when I respond you accuse ME of trolling? I think it is safe to say that you can not respond with anything substantive and that it was me who should not have risen to the bait. 

Since I own the O/93 and I has something to say about them, my post was anything but a troll. 

And yes, Fred is dead, but KICK OUT THE JAMS MOTHER ________!

That is the power of telling the truth. You dont care if anyone believes you.

Short of giving you names and addresses how could I prove that I am being honest?

I think you should post proof that you own 0/93s. A copy of the receipt will do.