DeVore O/93 or PureAudioProject Duet15 for a First Watt SIT-3?

What do you think would be better for a warm organic late night listening (classic music, opera and jazz)?
Stereophile reviewed the O/93 as a perfect pairing with SIT-3 (even is SIT-3 prefers low impedance speakers).
Duet15 seems to me more sensible (97db vs 93db) (and Steve Guttenberg think are top).
My current speakers are 4ohms / 87db Avalon Indra, absolute fantastic at their 80db listening kingdom.



Have a look at Coherent Audio from Ontario Canada.  I have the 15s paired with a 45 Tube Amp and a 20 watt Class A amp.  Both with very good results.

I own a pair of DeVore O/93’s and can strongly recommend them. I’ve yet to hear the “what they got wrong” part of them… However, you rarely see them on the used market and there are plenty of reasons for that. As for the, “narrow baffles, more inert cabinet construction” speaker, there’s nothing wrong with that design either. With that said, you can always take your pick of the litter, because there are plenty of them out there on the used market to grab. Good luck and have fun. 

I own a pair of DeVore O/93’s and can strongly recommend them. I’ve yet to hear the “what they got wrong” part of them… However, you rarely see them on the used market and there are plenty of reasons for that. As for the, “narrow baffles, more inert cabinet construction” speaker, there’s nothing wrong with that design either. With that said, you can always take your pick of the litter, because there are plenty of them out there on the used market to grab. Good luck and have fun. 

yes  I have a virtually unused pair of Spendor D7.2's with IsoAcoustic footers for anyone interested. Original owner, boxes. They do nothing wrong. They are boring. 

I do hear the little midrange discontinuity/woody-notch in the O/93's but it does not phase me. But I often find myself attracted to women with slightly beaked noses. Character. 

All of you raise legitimate points in favor of the Orang. line of speakers. Of course it is really juvenile to get upset at a fellow enthusiast who doesnt share your opinions. What is ridiculous in calling into question the motives behind the criticism. Fred stepped out of line questioning the existence of these "friends" for which he sort of apologized. Lemon you are completely out of line suggesting that I have any agenda other than to voice my opinion about a speaker sound which I do not like. You all can find many posts regarding brands like Harbeth and similar I have posted in the past.  It is perfectly acceptable, in polite society, to voice your opinion as some have done, but then others resort to personal attacks over something so trivial. Different tribes I guess.