DH Labs Silver Sonic

I'm looking for comments on DH Labs Silver Sonic ICs. How do they stack up to more expensive ICs like Ridge Street, Purist Audio, Kimber, Cardas?
I used to use the Air Matrix interconnects and then the Revelations. The Revelations are better cables in that they sounded a bit more refined to me than the Air Matrix.

As for comparisons, I auditioned the Purist Audio Musaeus and Elementa Advance interconnects as I was looking to upgrade from the Revelations. I ended up staying with the Revelations... I found the low end Purist offerings to sound thick and plodding, with more robust bass but less detail up top. The Revelations are silver cables, so they definitely have more speed and shimmer up top, but they aren't the end-all in bass response. However, though they keep it to a minimum, they still sounded "silvery" to me (not harsh, but very detailed and tipped up towards treble).

If I were in your shoes, I would look into trying the KCI Mandarina. Excellent treble and bass response without sounding thin. And, of course, you get that wonderful tonality in the midrange that only gold can provide...

I appreciate all the comments.

The Revelations and Air Matrix sound interesting. I'm currently using Kimber Silver Streaks for my sources and Purist Audio Musaeus between amps and preamp. I'm not unhappy with the sound, but I'd like to hear other ICs just to explore something different. I can't justify spending more than $300 which is why DH Labs got my interest.

Islandmandan, which version do you have?

05-23-08: Electro77
I used to use the Air Matrix interconnects and then the Revelations. The Revelations are better cables in that they sounded a bit more refined to me than the Air Matrix.
Electro77, when you say refined, do you mean more detailed? More balanced? Or something else altogether?
Hey Mingles,

It's been a long while since I've heard the DH Labs Revelations, and even longer since I've heard the Air Matrix, so my memory of how they sound is a bit faded. But I do recall thinking that the Revelations sound smoother, with more delicate treble than the Air Matrix. That's what I meant by refined...

Sorry about the lag in answering. I have the
Silver Sonic Air Matrix. I have since moved my table (actually, my whole system, 90 degrees) and had to use a 3 meter run from phono pre to pre amp. I wound up getting Synergistic's Tesla Vortex Analog cables. They sound great, but the point being is they are being fed by the DH Labs cables, so they are very good. Come to think of it, I don't know why I didn't order DH Labs for that run, and saved myself some money! Duh!


The DH Lab cables are very good for the money. They have a very balanced sound. Still own a .5 Meter of the Silver Sonic.
Way better than Kimber Silver Streak. IMHO