Diana Krall

I was in Fort Lauderdale last Thursday and saw/heard Diana Krall.  Second time, first was in Wilkes Barre PA after Wallflower cd, this one after her recent one.  Two quite different concerts, both outstanding.  This one was "jazzy", an upright bass, a drummer, guitarist, fiddle/violinist (and a pianist/vocalist).  5 great musicians on the stage, and a wonderful singer.  She is wonderful live.  Highly recommended, as equipment reviewers often say.  Worth the price of admission.  

Isn’t Randy and his shop a treat, minorl?! He looks like a completely different person with his hair and beard gone---use to look like a damn hippie, now like a little old man ;-). He has a great sounding room and system, and is as nice a guy as you could know.

I bought a used ARC LS-1 from Randy way back in the early 90’s, and was at his first shop (which had a co-owner) once, when they were having their close-out sale, right around the corner on Pacific Coast Highway, an apartment with a picture window that looked out on the Santa Monica beach. His room at the Hi-Fi shows is always one of the very best sounding, and he brings lots of great music on LP with which to demo his ARC/Vandersteen system.

There are vast numbers who consume and criticize.  It's easy.

There are small numbers who create.  It's not easy.
Everybody Creates , it's human nature .
You're right about the not easy part though .
Post removed 

"Everybody Creates , it’s human nature ."

Clearly, Schubert, I was referring to artistic creation- not some amorphous "everybody."

Here’s a snippet of a quote from Gordon Torr, a man who knows more than a little about creativity:

"Believing that everyone has the capacity to be just as creative as the next person is as ludicrous as believing that everyone has the capacity to be just as intelligent as the next person, yet it has become almost universally accepted as a truism."

All I’m saying is that it’s much too easy for those who merely consume to denigrate creators. And, at best, it’s tiresome.

One thing that is generally true, though: "Everybody" has an opinion. :)

But to get back on topic, I think Diana Krall is super. :)