Did anyone experience Audio Prism's Ground Control

Fellow Audiogoner's

I wonder if anyone has any input on Ground Control spade versions? I am curious about the impact of these pigtails on your system's overall sound?

I also have their quiteline filter (4pack) installed in my HT room and they have helped lower the overall noise floor.

My gear -
Krell Showcase Pre-Amp / Processor
B&W 803s and 804s (rear)
Marantz UD8004
Audience aR12
Audience Au24e speaker/interconnects.
PAD Power Cables

I think I still heard some additional changes to the last set of RCA's I added last Friday night, last evening when I came back to the system. Sounded bigger/larger fuller sound stage again last night. Huge and open in fact, as in real life. Frankly, scary good. I still have to work on adding ref RCA's and standard RCA's to my preamp and BD player as well as PS Audio PWD DAC to see how those go. I have on order a couple that came in to you that were shipped yesterday but Galen should be sending you another order today as there was a mistake in quantity of the ref and standard RCA's as I needed one more of each. I want a full, final, complement on hand to review and determine in/out finally makes it all work otherwise its hit/miss with taking some out to move to another location as there could have been an additional synergistic approach I might have been missing.

It seems in my system adding ref/standard to each component improves the large, full sound stage presentation preserving the detail with the reference GC on the same component. I hope that holds true for the final assault for the last order coming through I hope you could ship today to come on Thursday or so, so I can begin to make some final judgements this weekend. Anyway, these are really superb devices and do fly in the face of reason (For those non-technical folk out there like myself). But they are just becoming "I can no longer live without" devices along with my Walker Audio Reference + HDL's that just makes such a huge difference it is quite shocking and amazing. Your original versions work so much better, for me at least, than the competitor model it was quite a surprise. They all worked to one degree or another, but not to the degree the reference/standard combination has for my system.

Thanks, Bud!
Hi Oddeo, your results look great. Can you tell me what equipment you have and where you put there GCs? Thanks.
Ozzy and Oddeophile, could you elaborate on which input or
outputs on your HT receivers that you have had the best results. I would like to try the standard RCA's on my HT
receiver, but there are way too many inputs and outputs to choose from.

Ozzy, I am curious if you are still using one standard and
one reference RCA on your Cary cd player in your two channel
system. I am also curious if adding the reference rca to the standard rca gave any decrease in harmonic richness.

Interestingly, I have tried the standard rca on my Naim XS
integrated amp input, and I am getting an increase in harmonic richness that makes vocals addictive. However, I am also experiencing a decrease in sound stage width. So, at
this point I have the rca on my dac via a rca y-adaptor.
The wide sound stage is back, but the vocals are not as rich. However, I have not had any time to let it settle in.

Almost all commercial consumer electronic gear has a common ground between input and output and left and right channel. So, in most you can plug the RCA into any input or output, except an SPDIF input or output, anywhere ever.

How long was the RCA on the gear that lost soundstage? You may not be aware that there is a cycling that occurs. Changes from almost mono and elevateds high frequencies to wider soundstage and very flat frequencies, but it goes through a number of these cycles before settling down. Takes 6 to 7 hours of continuous music in my system from unused condition. Some folks report an even longer period of this "breathing". Different for every single piece and type of gear, but the end product for a standard GC is wide and deep sound stage.

Just to make sure we didn't ship the wrong part, look to see if the ground petals on the RCA plug are gold colored.

I am no longer using both the Standard and the Reference RCA GC’s on my Cary. I am now just using the standard on it.
Again, my experience with the GC Reference is that they do not provide a positive quality with my 2 channel system. They seem to constrict the soundstage and increase the upper midrange/lower treble.
The weird thing is the Reference GC's seem to work great with My Home Theater Equipment. For my Home Theater Receiver (Denon 5803) I have the put the GC Reference RCA on one of the 7.1 inputs since I am only using the 5.1 inputs. I also have a Standard RCA on my Oppo BP 83SE unused 7.1 outputs.
So, I guess experiment is the answer