Did anyone hear the Zu room at CES/THE 2011?

I did. The first time I listened, they were playing the giant $45k (Dominance?) speakers, biamplified with a pair of Pass Labs XA30.5s. I thought they sounded excellent. Then I went back, and wasn't so impressed witht he sound. I saw that they had replaced the Pass with a 2.5 Watt SET amp (I think the internal sub was still powered by a Pass). To me, the life, energy, resolution, and naturalness just wasn't there. At least one other person there who had heard both said he preferred the tube amp, saying it "made him feel more connected to the music." I wanted to say, "No, the king is naked! You're just saying that because you think you're supposed to," but I didn't. I recognize that he may have heard something I didn't. Apparently, others thought the same as him, because they left the tube amp in for the rest of the show. So my question is, was I the only one who thought the Pass sounded better?
Hi Team,

I personally was not upset up at all about your
opinion on the Zu's. There are a hundred variables
to consider as we all know. I have mine singing in my
room with just Emotiva gear.
Many great speakers out there for sure! BTW.. I agree (somewhat)
on the Green Mountains. Owned Europa ( 3 pair..loved) Callisto (fair),and C-3 (hated). Like you said, no perfect
speaker exists!

Happy Easter!
Hi Again G,

Nah-just the usual Audiophool "upgraditis!" thinking the grass is greener with the next product--over a fair few years now that list.
Nope can't say any were boring-some tried to bore a hole in my head with overly etched output --but they were quickly tamed or disposed of--Ha!

The Dominance room if I recall had Pass Amp and aTube Pre--but cannot remember the name.

Good Listening

Have a read on here and the Zu site about just what happened at that show and you'll be mightily impressed they showed up let alone stayed. Zu speakers are probably the most engaging speakers I've heard but the Dominance was very much there by the skin of its teeth.
Team - I agree on the Tidals, and they were playing some really good music, and seemed to enjoy playing my music. I listened to the orange Vandies, but they were playing them so loud, I couldn't stand it. Even when they lowered them, I thought it still too loud to really form an opinion. Where the heck was Green Mountain? I've wanted to hear them for years, but have never had the chance. I would have made a point of seeking them out if I had known. The Maggie room was defintiely memorable - more resolution and control than anything I've ever heard. They were playing symphonic / piano music that would sweep up into a giant crescendo, then stop. The way the reverb continued on after teh sudden stop of the main sound was like nothing I've ever heard. I don't think I could love them, though. I suspect the sound I was hearing from them at CES would have become fatiguing after a while, but it's hard to say. Very intimidating room; I didn't dare ask them to play my plain old CD. Were they using hi-res digital?
MaHughes - I took a look around here and the Zu site but couldnt' find anything. What happened? Do you have a link?