Did I kill my stylus?

I came home tonight after being out for 8 hours to find that I had left my VPI Scout on that whole time after it reached the end of the record I was playing. I'm so careful not to let it even reach the end typically but somehow it just slipped my mind before I went out.

Did I do any permanent damage? There was a line of vinyl dust around the end of the lead out where the stylus had been continuously cutting into the record.

It sounds OK when I played it but I wanted to get some thoughts or experiences. It's a Dyna 10x5, about 6 months old.

Clean you stylus as you normally would, otherwise this shouldn't be a problem.
The only thing you probably killed was the lead-out. I did this once, only I left the turntable on overnight. No damage to the cartridge.
Make sure you clean the stylus with something more aggressive than a dry brush or a soft gel or goop. Search for "Magic Eraser" if you need ideas.