Did I make a mistake buying Krell?

I was in search of a nice integrated amp that I could keep around for a long time. I got a good deal on a Krell KAV-300i, so I made a command decision to buy it.

I haven't hooked it up yet but I'm second guessing if it was the right decision. My equipment that will be used with the Krell: EAD-2000 cdp and Klipsch KLF-20 & Chorus II speakers (99db & 101db sensitivity respectively). The Klipsch speaker crossovers have upgraded resistors and caps and I can honestly say they don't sound bright and forward anymore. I would describe the sound right now as much warmer and alot less forward than before.

My question to you folks is:
1. Is Krell a good match for my existing set up?
2. What is the Krell sound?
3. If Krell isn't a good match, what would be better in the $1000-$1500 used range?

I tried a sunfire as well, 2 channel something around 2300.00 price... I hated it, very cold sounding definatly, however carver and sunfire always makes pretty good preamps... With klipsch I heard the sunfire and it was the worst mix.
Okay, I'll spend a little more time with the Krell and let it settle in to it's new environment. I'm stuck with the Klipsch speakers, so I need to give the Krell a fair trail. If I don't like the Krell and sell it, I'll try a tube integrated.

I ended up buying an integrated because I knew that there was better out there. I'm keeping the Sunfire combo for HT and the integrated is for 2 channel only.

I will agree Krellm7, I'm hearing alot more accuracy with the Krell than I ever did with the Sunfire.
The 300i will do Class A for the first few watts, about 70% of your average listing volume.
the krell is using very little of its rated power to drive your speakers. your speakers line-of-fire should also cross just in front of where you sit.give it time.....

I've given it a couple of days to be "on" and have spent some time listening to it today. It's just not the right integrated amp for me and my equipment.

To the selling block it goes. Once it's sold, I'll be considering other integrated amps and maybe even trying a tube integrated amp.

Thanks for all the comments based on your experiences. They were helpful and my ears are telling me that this just isn't a good marriage.

I have no choice, the Klipsch have to stay which means that the Krell must go.
